Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October 22-26

Monday, October 22

Still sick. :( But it's Monday, so I still needed to go out for groceries. I also needed to get some art supplies for GE to take to school this week (per teacher's request), so I swung up into the Isarvorstadt to a shop there and on the way back decided to pop into a café I'd seen: Aroma Kaffeebar. Might have been the best cup of coffee in München so far, and that's saying a lot! I finished my book club book while I sipped my Americano, sitting at one of the bars along the wall and crying quietly. Good tears--such a good book!

From there I swung by one of my usual discount grocery stores, Penny Markt (similar to Aldi), near our apartment and the REWE City behind our building for the few items not available at Penny. Then I went home to stay in bed with tea and water and my Samsung tablet (watched the latest episode of Tatort which I had missed on Sunday night while I was helping MK re-work her college essays). In the afternoon I took a nap. After I got up I took some time to study my music too, but only tried to sing a little. This cold is sitting right in my voice box and I want to try to make it to my coaching session with Stellario on Wednesday. I let the Frauenchor director know that I wouldn't be coming to rehearsal and went to bed early!

Inside Aroma Kaffeebar on the coffee shop side. There is also a restaurant side.

Restaurant side through the doorway... There were no tables free and only a few empty stools at the bar along the wall (where I was sitting). Smells soooo good!

My hangout spot for the rest of the day... Tea, water, more tea...

Tuesday, October 23

Feeling better, but definitely still not 100%. The temperatures have dropped! This morning started off with 36 degrees Fahrenheit. Brrr! We got the suitcase of winter coats out of the storage room in the cellar and unpacked the next layers. The girls were glad for the warm coats, hats, gloves, and scarves! J met HR at the Nachhilfe office for her Mathe tutoring sessions in the afternoon, and I took it easy again.

Wednesday, October 24

I let Stellario know I wouldn't make it to my coaching session. 😞 The cold has settled in my chest with a nasty burning feeling and a dry cough that hits I try to breathe in quickly or deeply. I spent part of the morning listening to my playlist of the songs that Stellario suggested I work on and writing out the texts, looking up the word-for-word translations of the ones I don't know. It's a good exercise--something I don't usually have the time to do--for deepening my familiarity with the music. I did a couple loads of wash--we leave Friday for Herbstferien, so I want it to have time to dry. But I won't get to set the drying rack outside because it's supposed to be cool and rainy/misty every day this week. Thankfully it's not raining hard enough to warrant leaving the bikes inside, so we still hop on them to get around. Tomorrow the big girls are going to try taking the bus to and from school, just so they know how to do it when the weather gets really bad.

Mild laryngitis and a cough? Doesn't mean I can't practice, damn it.

Thursday, October 25

Finally starting to feel significantly better. I needed to run some errands, then later in the morning J and I met at Aroma Kaffeebar for a little coffee date. Once the kids were home, I got them started on packing for the Herbstferien trip. I rallied enough from my laryngitis to go to choir rehearsal--the big Elias concert is coming up quickly in mid-November and there won't be rehearsal next week during the vacation week. ME and J spent the evening at their weekly board game night.

I ordered some sparkling water and they added a spoonful of pomegranate seeds.

Friday, October 26

I left the apartment around 8:30 a.m. to walk to the U-bahn to take a train out to airport to pick up our Hertz rental car--a brand new Ford S-max. Smooth! Only three minutes at the counter and no fuss. Once I was back in our neighborhood I found a parking spot right across the street from the REWE City behind our apartment complex and learned how to use the automated parking pass machines. I ran in to the REWE and picked up picnic supplies for supper on the road and then went back to the apartment to finish packing. GE was out of school by noon and the big girls at about 1:00 p.m., so everyone was home to help gather stuff together and begin shuttling bags to the car by 2:30. We were on the road by 3:00 for the 4.5 hour drive to Oberreifenberg where we had booked a room in a Deutsche Jugend Herberge. We had some traffic due to construction, but it was otherwise an uneventful drive. We ate our picnic supper at a rest stop with our winter jackets on. It's only in the 40's! I'm sure the other travelers thought we were nuts. We finally arrived at about 9:00 p.m. at the DJH and went straight to bed. Around midnight I was awakened by the familiar, yet unwelcome, sound of someone throwing up. I literally bolted out of my bottom bunk, swept up the trashcan from under the sink at one end of the room and bolted to the other end in time to slide it under GE's head. Bless her heart! She had managed to roll over and get over the floor before her stomach emptied itself so at least it barely got on her blankets and I caught the second volley with the trashcan. I used paper towels from the shared women's bathroom in the hallway to wipe up the vinyl floor and then disinfecting wipes from a packet I keep in my purse to clean up the rest. I stole the trash liner from the men's bathroom to replace the one in the now vomit-filled trashcan, stationed it conveniently next to GE's bed, and went back to bed. I'm a ninja. Thankful that 1) GE had a bottom bunk and 2) there was nothing on the floor beside her bed. I did not want to spend any part of my vacation at a laundromat! I only vaguely remember trying to locate a "bucket" while bolting out of my bed in the dark while half-asleep! [GE was a little gray and weak Saturday morning, but otherwise seemed to recover pretty quickly. The rest of us waited to be hit, but it never materialized! *Thankful for small blessings!*]

The very smooth-driving S-max. Wish they made these for the US market! It seats 7!

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