Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November 5-11 (recovery week!)

Monday, November 5... to Monday, November 12

It took us all a couple of days to feel like we'd even begun to recover from our whirlwind trip! It's taken me all week to just get through all the photos and publish the blog posts. And the laundry... it took several days to get it all washed and dried. I used the rental car Monday morning to do a big grocery run and then returned it to the airport. I had Frauenchor rehearsal in the evening (we have a concert on Sunday afternoon) and I practiced for my coaching session.

A few other stories from the week-after-Herbstferien:

ME came home mid-week and reported that she'd had to stand up in front of her Wissenschaft und Recht class to summarize the class content from the week before (the class only meets once or twice a week). This is part of her teacher's process for determining each student's Mundlichenoten (oral participation grades). She knew it was a sort of random selection thing, so before class started she reviewed the notes from the last time the class met, so she could recall the terminology and content. She went to the front of the classroom and did her summary auf Deutsch, and got a 1 (equivalent of an A+)! Go ME!

I had my second coaching session with Stellario on Wednesday at the Staatsoper. We worked through Strauss' Lied "Allerseelen", Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Psalm 117) from Mozart's Vesperae solennes de confessore, and Musetta's aria from La Boheme by Puccini. Stellario had me fix a couple of things in the Mozart and then said "If you sang it just like that in a performance, it would be wonderful." He sent me off with instructions to memorize the Puccini aria and assigned me two more!

J met me at the Staatsoper after my session and we took a leisurely bike ride through the gorgeous fall afternoon in the Englischer Garten. The weather is still so pleasant! 

THIS is November in Bayern?!

GE rode her bike to school on Friday and participated in the Realverkehrsfahrt (real traffic ride).

On Saturday I had an all day rehearsal for the Elias performance with the Himmelfahrtskirchen Chor (coming up on November 17), so J took HR to her cello lesson. She's invited to join one of the school groups for their concert on November 27th since she's been practicing their music in her lessons. One of J and ME's friends from the board game group came over to our apartment to play Mage Wars with them and brought along some movies to watch after. J is having so much fun with the game group. Now if I could get one of them to remember to take some pictures to help document the experience...

On Sunday, J and ME went to an all-day board game club monthly meeting (they went to the same last month). HR, GE, and I had a quiet morning at home, cleaned the apartment (on a Sunday, <gasp!>), and then I headed out mid-afternoon. The Frauenchor gave their Chor Kunst Konzert (choir art concert) at 5 p.m. and I  needed to arrive early for warm-ups and to help set up the Kunst room. I recorded it, so here's a link to the audio. I thought it went well! The director of the Himmelfahrtskirchen Chor was in the audience and connected with me after ("How many choirs are you actually singing in?!"). ME came home early so HR and GE were only home alone for an hour or so while I left to go to the choir warm-up. Everyone was home by 7 p.m. or so in the evening and then we all had to shift gears for school and the week ahead...

The concert venue: Himmelfahrtskirche in Sendling

The buffet set up in the adjacent room (which also happens to be where the choirs rehearse).

The artists and choir members milling about before the concert. It was packed in here after the concert was over!

Four different local artists were featured at this event. This one creates wire figures out of one piece of wire, paints fabric, and more. The others were a paper and card designer, stone jewelry, and ceramics. It was all beautiful!

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