Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Herbstferien - Wolfsburg

Friday, November 2 continued...

During our Osterferien in 2013 (see the end of this post and the first part of this), we visited our former German exchange student, JS, and her family in their home near Wolfsburg. We wanted to see them again and they graciously hosted us in lovely home. JS is in the middle of her Ausbildung at Volkswagen, combining a practical apprenticeship (paid job!) and university studies (paid for by VW!). [Come USA! We need to get with the program to create not only a trained workforce, but low student debt and the subsequent consequences to our economy! There is very little down side--JS will finish her college degree with no debt and job security if she chooses to stay at VW.] She has a sweet little apartment in Wolfsburg, near the VW complex, which we stopped by to see, but she spent the weekend at her parents' home while we were there. When we arrived on Friday, they had a lovely lunch set out: homemade tomato soup, bread, and homemade cakes with coffee after. Mid-afternoon they had reserved spots of us to tour the VW plant (or a small part of it--it's HUGE!), then a very Deutsch supper of Rouladen when we returned to their house. J and I stayed at a nearby Pension while the girls stayed with JS at the house.

Waiting outside the VW visitors complex for the ferry that would take us to the tour start location.

Where we stayed, the Meyers Hofcafe und Pension, while the girls slept at the S's house.

Saturday, November 3

We slept in a little--ME slept in A LOT--then ate a rather late breakfast together at the S home. Late morning we headed into Wolfsburg to go shopping with JS. We met her dad and boyfriend, L, at a nearby Italian restaurant for lunch and then walked through the pedestrian zone to shop a little more. Nothing exciting, just mostly being together. The evening meal was a traditional Abendbrot.

Snapshots of a Bauernhof in Isenbüttel as I walked from the Pension back to the S home.

On our walk through the pedestrian zone in Wolfsburg after we had been shopping, the girls found these wolf statues and had to pose for photos, of course. Notice they're only wearing sweatshirts! It is so warm!

Sunday, November 4

We rose early to pack up and shared a final breakfast meal with the S family before hitting the road. We had a long drive to get back to München and traffic on the Autobahn can be rather  unpredictable. We stopped in Leipzig for a break and a light lunch (coffee and some bakery foods, since regular stores aren't open on Sundays) and walked through the pedestrian zone to the church where J.S. Bach worked and is buried. Then it was back on the road with gray skies all the way "home" to München. I think we arrived back at the apartment between 5 and 6 p.m. although it's all a little blurry now! I found a spot on the street to park the rental car and then got busy unpacking, starting the loads of laundry [many--it wasn't all washed and dried until about Friday!], and getting settled again. School starts bright and early tomorrow morning!

College of music in Leipzig.

It was quiet and uncrowded on this cool fall Sunday morning.

The plaza outside the St. Thomas church where Bach is buried.

The accordion player was amazing! He was playing these impossible Bach organ fugues on that little thing. Should have taken a video to post...

Bach's grave (floor panel with flowers)

One of two organs in the church. Would love to return for a concert!

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