Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Austria, Day 5 - Monday, August 27

Monday, August 27

We slept a little longer and breakfasted again in the little hostel apartment kitchen, then packed up, cleaned up, loaded the car, and headed to towards Schloss Schönbrunn with its sprawling gardens and grounds. Schönbrunn was the summer residence of the Imperial Royal Habsburg-Lorraine family that ruled over the Austrian Hungarian empire until World War I.

For a little more background and history check out House of Habsburg (Wikipedia):
"The new successor house styled itself formally as the House of Habsburg-Lorraine (German: Habsburg-Lothringen), and because it was often confusingly still referred to as the House of Habsburg, historians use the unofficial appellation of the Habsburg Monarchy for the countries and provinces that were ruled by the junior Austrian branch of the House of Habsburg between 1521 and 1780 and then by the successor branch of Habsburg-Lorraine until 1918."

The rooms are sumptuously reconstructed and restored. We took the "Grand" tour which featured 40 rooms that were used by Franz Josef, his wife Elisabeth ("Sisi"), and/or Maria Theresa at some time during their residence in the Schloss. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take pictures outside. The audio guide was quite interesting and kept the girls moving steadily through the tour. I felt like I needed a time line and a family tree to keep track of all the intricacies! I may need to do some reading up on my European history pre-WWI to sort it all out...

After the tour of the rooms in the palace, we wandered outside through the gardens, past the Neptune fountain, and up to the Gloriette at the top of the hill opposite the palace. On the way through the gardens I challenged the girls to try to study and mimic the classical form of the statues!

The ornate sculpture on top of the Neptune fountain.

The girls wanted to find the Labyrinth and puzzle garden. This was really fun! The girls dashed in and out of the pathways trying to find the way to the inner platform. They made it before J and I did, so then they got to call out helpful instructions! "Turn left!" "Keep going!" and so on...

Searching for the way through!

GE decided to try it again and still got lost! This time I got to help her through the last bit.

Then we climbed the hill and paused at the Gloriette to survey the view. I couldn't help trying to recreate some of the photos I took of the girls when we were traveling in France the last time we were living in Germany.


A lilac for Grandma K.
After walking back down to the Schloss it was time to get our picnic lunch from the car which we enjoyed in a side-street park before loading up for the drive home. This time the Alps were clear of clouds and haze and we could see the snow caps as we drove. Too bad we couldn't stop for pictures! I guess we'll have to make sure we go back...

1 comment:

  1. Love following along on your adventures. Thanks for taking the time to post these beautiful pictures and updates!
