Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Austria Day 2 - Friday, August 24

August 24, Friday

We ate the complimentary breakfast at the JHB then drove into the Altstadt. J had found a parking cheat: 8 hrs for 6€ if you get your ticket validated by a restaurant or cafe in the Altstadt. It was still quite early, so the streets were quiet and deserted. First thing: a leisurely walk through the Getreidegasse, the famous shopping avenue in the heart of Salzburg's old city. 

The fountain next to the Dom.

Photographer at work.

Then we went souvenir hunting as the shops opened. During our year in Bonn, the girls each collected something from the cities with images of the cities or coats of arms where we visited and now we are continuing the tradition: GE collects little ceramic plates; HR collects thimbles; ME collects spoons. It felt wrong to get little Schnaps glasses for MK, since she's not here with us, but we'll be getting her other gifts throughout the year.
Next: the Festung Hohensalzburg (the huge fortress on the hilltop in the center of the city).

Up the steep path to the fortress! It was quite a climb. 
The Dom from half way up.

Still have a little ways to go!

The road was so steep here that a wooden path with rails is installed along the edge for better traction.

Checking out the forge!

Still more uphill! (My fitbit registered 39 stories climbed on this day. Whew!)

The spectacular view from the fort over the city!

Too bad it was so cloudy! Could barely see the Alps through the clouds. :(

Taking a break while exploring the museum inside the Festung

After we hiked back down from the Festung, ME guided us to the restaurant she'd scouted online for our lunch: Cafe Tiziana. We treated the girls to some of the house-made dessert Eis after they finished their lunches!! GE got a child-sized icecream in the shape of a bee and when she had eaten most of it, helped Hannah finish her gigantic chocolate concoction.

Before they dig in...


This hot guy and I just watched the ensuing sugar high hilarity.

My sugar-free treat.

After lunch, we strolled through the Linzer Gasse then headed back around to the Marionetten Theater for a production of Mozart's "Die Zauberflöte" (The Magic Flute) with a soundtrack featuring Dietrich Fischer-Diskau (one of my all-time favorite baritones) as the comedic character, Papageno.

In the lobby area there was a cut out photo of Papagena, Papageno's beloved.

Some of the puppeteers (?) gave a demonstration in the lobby before the doors opened.

After the show, we walked back towards the Altstadt to visit the Dom, crossing the river via the "lock bridge" before going back to the car and stopping at a Lidl grocery store to do a raid for supper back at the JHB.

Horses and carriages waiting for tourists to take a ride in the plaza outside the Dom.

Oh, the toys!

Chocolate shop! There seemed to be one on every corner!
Lighting a candle for Great Grandmas, like we always do.

Amazing ceiling paintings and panels inside the Dom.

Organs at each corner?! How does that work?

Last snapshot of the Festung from the archway of the Dom below. 
The entry to the parking garage... of all things!

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