Monday, April 1, 2019

March 26-31

Tuesday, March 26th

Deep breaths... So much to do, not enough time. All I really want is for time to stand still for a bit, so I can soak this life in Munich in a little deeper. I don't understand--where did March go?! But time doesn't stand still. And I suppose it wouldn't be as rich if it did.

Uh-oh. The youngest one hasn't been listening when I tell her to stop growing up! 😲😆

Wednesday, March 27th

Another trip to the Stadtbibliothek by the Gasteig--probably the last time I have to run this errand since the girls and I have hardly any time to read other than what's necessary for school. I think I've managed to track down and return all of the books we've checked out from this library branch.

I took a little bit of a different path, stopping to take in the tree buds, the swollen creek, and the gray light of spring in Germany.

In early February I bought two tickets to the Staatsoper for Donizetti's tragic opera, "Roberto Devereux." I am so excited: Edita Gruberova, one of my all-time favorite sopranos, is singing the role of Elisabetta. When I ordered the tickets, I didn't realize--hadn't heard--that this would be her last performance on the opera stage. Literally, tonight. Historic moment. She's 72. She'll continue singing on the concert stage, but is retiring from opera. When I was working on my masters degree, I listened to her constantly. She has this exquisite clear, radiant tone. Vibrant and agile, she could sing high E's as if they were an octave or two lower and execute coloratura pyrotechnics with impeccable accuracy. Loud or soft, it didn't matter what the moment required, she could pull it off and made it sound effortless. If you've never heard her sing, please take a few minutes right now.

ME was my date... here we are waiting in line for the women's bathroom before going to our seats.
Show is about to start! The house is PACKED.
Intermission... curtain call?! The crowd was wild.

Her voice is no longer so perfect--I could hear that she's 72 years old--but her acting was still gripping. Her high notes could still be soft or powerful and she still commanded the role of the Queen who is torn up by jealousy, love, and grief. Incredibly privileged to be able to hear and see this last performance live and what a treat to have my daughter, ME, with me! She won't soon (ever?!) forget this.

Fans hung banners from the balconies!
And the crew showered her with red rose petals!

The rest of the cast was amazing too! Especially loved the mezzo, Silvia Tro Santafé (Sara) and the tenor, Charles Castronovo (Roberto)

The Staatsoper Artistic Director came out to give a speech and presented her with a gift from the Staatsoper: the crown that her character wears in this opera. Then Edita, in liltingly accented, but impeccable, German, gave a little farewell speech too.
Standing ovation. We left while everyone was still applauding! We wanted to beat the rush to the Garderobe and head back to catch the bus home for the night (school night and all).
Max-Joseph-Platz at night

Thursday, March 28th

Tomorrow is HR's 13th birthday. I wanted to surprise her with a few things, so before my lesson with Stellario, I made time to go into the city center to make an appointment for a mini-makeover at the Douglas make-up shop. After my lesson I biked over to the Wochenmarkt at the St-Anna-Platz and got some fresh yummies to take home.

My haul! Root veggies for roasting and a head of some sort of curly cabbage. It was delicious!
The weather has warmed up and although it's a bit overcast, the forecast is for dry weather... Finally, I can hang the wash up outside again instead of in the living room!
Friday, March 29th

We are officially parents of three--THREE--teenage girls. More deep breaths...

Morning light. This weekend the time shifts an hour forward here. On Sunday this sunlight will be coming out an hour later.

Friday morning coffee date while the kids were at school. We just sat in the sun and soaked it up.

13th Birthday treat #1: Gelato in the Altstadt

13th Birthday treat #2: getting her ears pierced
She loves these goofy fuzzy hats at the tourist stand in the Marienplatz!

13th Birthday treat #3: a "light" make-over at the Douglas Parfumerie (afterwards, armed with the right color-palette, we bought a few essential items for a young girl trying out make-up for the first time)

13th Birthday treat #4: late afternoon snack or early dinner... Wurst mit Pommes at the upscale shopping center, Galeria Kaufhof Restaurant

Cool views of the Frauenkirche towers from the skylights in the restaurant.

Saturday, March 30th

Finally: I am getting back into running as the weather has improved, my shoulder has healed, and the sun comes up earlier. I love this canal path.

I set aside the morning to go to the Leib & Siegel with J to work. We set up in a corner of the café with our laptops--he worked on his book while I worked on the blog. It was quiet--most of the patrons sat outside in the sun. I will miss this "working" together.

In the evening: another opera!! This time at the smaller Gärtnerplatztheater. ME was my date again. This time we're going to soak in some Puccini: La Boheme. A little intro.

Intermission in the refreshments hall.

Fantastic show! Several young, fresh voices. The acting was great and we like the modern staging. Sort of like inner-city squatters...

I cried when Mimi died and Rodolfo sobbed with grief to the accompaniment of the orchestra.

Sunday, March 31st

We made the bus and tram trip out to Josephsburg one last time to go to church with the little Liberale Mennonitschen Gemeinde. They were having their yearly congregational meeting after the service and then lunch together. They cooked some sort of local Wurstl with herbs, served up with Brezln and Semmeln. Everyone brought side-dishes or dessert to share and we ate leisurely together. The time change was last night and by the time we got home J and I were dragging--feeling the late night and lost hour of sleep. We took a nap while the little girls played out on the balcony--I should have taken a picture of their fort of blankets, cushions, umbrellas, and assorted stuff from their bedroom. The sun shone all day. It was HERRLICH.

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