Sunday, April 28, 2019

April 15-21 - Osterferien Week 1

Osterferien is two weeks long. Rather than traveling, we enjoyed hosting my sisters the first week and then on Easter Sunday, I picked up a rental car from the airport. We took day trips, always returning home to the apartment in the evening. Rather than writing a lot, I'm going to post mostly pictures with captions. Enjoy! We did!

RG, my younger sister, and her daughter, GK, were here until Saturday, April 20th. My older sister, AG, arrived with her 2 daughters on Maundy Thursday, April 18th. They overlapped for two nights and 1.5 days. It was so much fun! And the weather took a turn towards summer.

Monday, April 15th

Chilling pool-side at the Michaelibad. Went for a run in the a.m. then we all took the U-Bahn to this indoor-outdoor pool complex.
Watching the surfers in the Eisbachwelle at the edge of the Englischer Garten.
After eating lunch back at the apartment, we packed a picnic supper and took the U-Bahn into the city center, and walked to the Englischer Garten to show them the Eisbachwelle, walk through the park, and have Bratwurst (to supplement the packed food) for supper.

The ducks were persistent, if not aggressive! We camped out on the grass in the sun near the creek's edge and watched the bikes and walkers go by while the girls played.

This one tried to take a bite of GE's sandwich!
A gorgeous Rhodesian Ridgeback who befriended the girls on the bus ride home!
Apparently the day for dog encounters: a Great Dane waits, rather impatiently, at the sliding door to the REWE City grocery store while I was getting a food items after our day out on the town.

Tuesday, April 16th

Today's destinations: Museum Mensch und Natur at the Nymphenburg Schloss, followed by the Botanischer Garten near the Schloss and the Olympiaturm in the Olympiapark.

This time there isn't any snow!!

Probably my favorite feature of the Botanischer Garten was this Alpine environment! Man-made hill but so many cool rock crevices filled with color and little creeping flowers.


Oh, the tulips! So many colors.

GE loved the fire red ones.

Stopped for Eis on our way over to the Olympiapark.

We could actually see the Alps from the top, but the haze made it difficult for the camera to capture them.
View to the city center and the famous double towers of the Frauenkirche.

Leaving her mark.

Wednesday, April 17th

Our plan for today was to go back to the city center to get gifts and souvenirs for my sister and niece's friends and family, then they all came with me to my coaching session with Stellario.

GE asked to go on my walk/run with me. What a sweetheart!

Lunch at Sesam Falafel

Eis and coffee after lunch at a favorite café on the Rindermarkt
Coloring or reading while we wait for Stellario to come over from his office.

Thursday, April 18th

Today I picked up a bike from GE's classmate and my sister borrowed ME's bicycle, so we could go for a ride along the Isar. GE's other friend, E, came along and we all had lunch at the Zum Flaucher Biergarten.

Stopped to play in the rocks

Could not have asked for better weather!

Around bedtime my phone rang! Our sister, AG, and her two girls arrived via car. They had landed around noon, but were driving a rental car down from the Frankfurt airport--about a 4-5 hour drive to Munich. We all piled downstairs to help bring up their bags. My nieces were going to sleep here while my sisters were going to an AirBnB in our neighborhood. We helped everyone get settled and then crashed into bed. Tomorrow is a big day....

Friday, April 19th

Destination: Schloss Neuschwanstein, about a 2-hour train ride southwest of Munich. We bought two Bayern-Tickets, each for 5 people, which allowed us to take any of the Regionalbahn (local) trains and the shuttle bus from the Füssen train station to the Ticket Center at the base of the mountain. I did my homework: reserved tickets ahead of time with a specific time slot, worked the time backwards with the help of some travel advice websites to figure out what time to leave our apartment in order to catch a train that would get us to the Ticket Center to pick up our tickets by the allotted deadline. Then we took a horse and carriage up to the Schloss, ate our packed lunch and walked up the last 500 meters to the Schloss for our tour--only 30 minutes long! If you don't know the history of Neuschwanstein, here's a summary. And if you don't know about the Bavarian King, Ludwig II, be sure you read about him too.

Catching some zzz's on the train to Füssen.

View from the village up to the castle.

Spot the para-gliders?

In the Schloss Hof, waiting for our tour number to be called.

We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the Schloss, but I snuck a few of the views from the windows. What a perch! That Ludwig... he sure knew how to pick them!
Room with a view...

We got the kids Eis from a kiosk on our way back down the mountain.

We opted to walk down the mountain back to the village to catch the shuttle to Füssen Hauptbahnhof and our train back back to Munich.

My favorite yellow building (across the street from our apartment complex)

Saturday, April 20th

My sister RG and niece GK left in the morning for their trip home to the US. After I made sure they were on the right S-Bahn to the airport, I headed home to get make another packed lunch and took my other sister and her girls into the city. We repeated some of the things we'd done with RG and GK: the Marienplatz, Eis at the café near the Rindermarkt, a walk in the Englischer Garten, and watching the surfers at the Eisbachwelle. In the evening, we made pizza for the kids and then my sister and I went to a local restaurant, the Wirtshaus Drei Mühlen, for dinner.

Dichtergarten behind the Residenz

After our gorgeous dinner (AG had the trout; I had the flounder, and we shared the salad with Spargel) we hopped on bikes (AG borrowed ME's) and rode north along the Isar as the sun went down.

Sunday, April 21st

Easter morning... A and I went for a long run along the river together and stopped at the Ihle Bäckerei on the way back. We set out a lovely brunch spread for all the girls and then they packed up and hit the road, giving me a lift out to the airport to pick up our rental car for the coming week of day trips. So glad they could visit and that the weather was so amazing. Next time we see them we'll be home in Virginia...

He is Risen!

One last short walk through the Alter Südfriedhof across the street before they had to sit in a car for hours.

J has been quite patient this week with all my adventuring with my sisters. He mostly hid in cafés and wrote on his book, but he did join us for the trip to Neuschwanstein--even though I realized while working on this post that he didn't get into any of the pictures! So after I'd returned from the airport with the car, the two of us went out for a dinner date at a local spot, Meat in Bun. The weather continues to be glorious. So grateful for what we've done this year and what is yet to come.

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