Saturday, March 30, 2019

March 18-21

Monday, March 18th

The recent rains have swollen the Isar and the canals. It's gray, windy, and damp, but spring is making an appearance. The bushes and trees are getting little hints of what's to come. The crocuses and daffodils are pushing up through the damp earth.

I needed to return to some overdue library books to the Stadtbibliothek near the Gasteig. I took my bike despite the blustery weather so I could load up my saddle bags with groceries at the Aldi and Hitt stores in the shopping center across the street. Later the drizzle even had snow mix. Oh Spring, where art thou?!

Hints of green popping up everywhere!

In the evening I went to the Frauenchor rehearsal and was happy to share the surprise bags of Niederegger marzipan and nougat chocolates again. There was hardly any left after this second go around. As we packed up to leave, I mentioned that I might miss next week's rehearsal because I'd be returning from Amsterdam earlier in the day and Katrin (the director) wondered what treats I might bring from Holland to share! 😄😋

Tuesday, March 19th 

J got up early to leave for the airport. He's giving a talk to the faculty and students on tech law stuff at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. I plan to join him for the weekend! Can't wait...

This morning I planned to go again to the German Conversation group with the women from the Munich International Women's Club that meets in the cafe of the Oberpollinger. Since the weather has taken such a nice turn, I decided to bike up to the Wochenmarkt in Maxvorstadt before heading into the Altstadt to go to the Oberpollinger. I got to the St. Josefsplatz and saw only a couple of trucks which hadn't even opened yet and realized that the Markt here starts at 12:30 p.m. instead of in the morning! So I admired the morning light, the old church, and then followed my nose back towards the Altstadt pedestrian zone, stopping in the Alte Botanische Garten to soak in the hints of spring. I'll try to hit the Wochenmarkt another time...

Pfarrei St. Joseph, München

Wednesday & Thursday, March 20-21st

The rest of this week was pretty routine: laundry, groceries, homework, practicing. I had a lesson with Stellario on Thursday and then finished packing for my trip to Amsterdam!

1 comment:

  1. Spring starting to pop in Rockbridge County too! Lexington of course is much further ahead than Fairfield, though only 10 miles apart. Bring back marzipan for us too!
