Thursday, March 14, 2019

February 25-March 1

Monday, February 25th

I spent the day getting back in the swing of things after being gone for the weekend. The kids went to school as usual. J went to a coffee shop to write. I did laundry, took my bike out to get groceries, and after lunch, took the U-Bahn into town for a lesson with Stellario. We worked on some of the Argento songs and read through a Verdi aria. Wish I had more time to practice this week, but I'm going flat out to get ready for our trip next week. In the evening I went to my usual Frauenchor Probe. It was my week for a turn to have Stimmbildung with Monika. Monika is the one who originally recommended me to Stellario for coaching. In hindsight, I realize how incredible this was. I had barely sung 10 minutes for her--last fall at one of the first rehearsals with the Frauenchor--and probably timidly, at best, when I worked up the guts to tell her a little about myself, my training, my surgery and recovery (and lack thereof), and asked if she could put me in touch with anyone for coaching/technical work. So, at this Stimmbildung, I made a point of thanking her from the bottom of my heart for seeing through my insecurity and having the insight to connect me with Stellario. This year would have been so different without that opportunity.

After rehearsal, I went out for a drink (hot tea! not that kind of drink) and conversation with KR, one of the altos, at Georgio's Greek restaurant in Sendling. She had a late night train to catch for a work trip and wasn't going back to her home, but didn't want to have to go wait alone in the cold Hauptbahnhof. We had a delightful chat about kids, life, and the history of the choir (she's been singing with them for over 10 years).

Passing through the Marienplatz on my way to the Staatsoper... Still stunning! Münchener Altes Rathaus
Tuesday, February 26th

A work from home day: I took care of getting tickets for a concert in May when my sister and nephew visit, worked on the blog and editing project, did some baking and food prep for our departure on Friday, took a quick nap, and... dyed ME's hair purple after dinner.

Arctic Fox hair color... it washes out gradually, but wow does it pop right after it's been colored!

Wednesday, February 27th

I left the apartment early to join a group of 20 women from the Munich Women's International Club for their monthly long walk. I couldn't believe the luck with the weather! Absolutely stunning. Our path was from the St. Petersberg Basilika to the village of Altomünster, crossing through farm fields and small forests. I quickly had to strip off my jacket, then my vest, then my sweater, and walked most of the way in short sleeves! Heavenly. We ended with lunch at the Brauereigasthof Maierbräu in Altomünster near Dachau.

Inside the Romanesque Basilika Petersberg

Map of the region and the contemplative path from the Basilika to Altomünster.

Stopping at one of the "stations" along the route. This one had a human sundial in the mosaic motif.

Translation: "The work will not run from you when you show your child a rainbow. But the rainbow will not wait until you are finished with your work."

If anyone can identify this grain/crop, I'd really like to know what it is! Google searches of images have yielded no definitive results.

It's quite tall for a grain! Is it flax? Linen? Reeds for baskets?!

"The shortest path between two people is a smile."

"Friends are like stars. You can't always see them, but they are always there!

Notice how we all have our jackets tied around our waists... Boy was that sun a welcome treat!

Water/tea break!

In the distance: our destination, Altomünster. The church steeple is that of the church in the center of town.

Conversation seats... "Listen" "Respect" "Trust" "Argue" "Friendly" "Give in" "Polite" "Eye contact" "Don't interrupt" "Trusting"
"Where do I stand in life?" (i.e. How do I relate to the world?)

"One may tell you the way, but you must walk it yourself." - Bruce Lee

Kloster Altomünster's herb garden.

Inside the beautiful Klosterkirche, St. Alto und St. Birgitta, Altomünster

Marktplatz in Altomünster

The crocuses are blooming!

Thursday, February 28th & Friday, March 1st

I spent Thursday on final trip preparations: last bits of laundry, quickly dried on the rack set out on the balcony, packing lists for the girls and gathering the items that GE would need to take with her to the Ponyhof. Major complication arose: HR woke up with a fever and sore throat. I feared flu, but prayed every hour that it was just a bad cold bug! Regardless, I called the school to let them know she wouldn't be there Thursday or Friday.

Friday morning J and I took the S-Bahn out to the airport to pick up the rental car. He would be doing some of the driving at the end so that I could return by train for rehearsal and Bach cantata service at the Himmelfahrtskirche, so we added the second driver--turns out it was a good plan. HR was still running a temp in the 100's, so we were brainstorming how our plans were going to be adjusted. She was supposed to go to her friend's home in Bonn Friday evening, as was ME, and we would go on to Köln with just GE, but that clearly wasn't going to work. I contacted our friends in Köln and asked how they felt about having a sick kid at their place and found out that their little guy was sick with a fever too, so just bring it on! We'll figure it out on the fly, but for now the plan stays: leave for Bonn as soon as the girls get home from school. We were on the road by about 2:30 p.m.! Another week of adventure to come...

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