Friday, September 6, 2019

May 20-25

Monday, May 20th

J and I met his parents at the airport with two large packed suitcases (they came only with carry-ons so they could return with some of our stuff) and picked up our last rental car. I took boxes to the DHL shipping center (in the car--it was pouring!), spent some more time sorting through stuff at the apartment and took GE's bike out to the suburbs to a Nigerian immigrant for her son (connection through the Liberale Mennonitische Gemeinde). My sister and nephew returned late from Salzburg and slept on our couch and floor mats. Tomorrow they'll pick up their rental car and drive on to Bayreuth.

Tuesday, May 21st

I drove my sister and nephew out to the airport to pick up their rental car and wave them off on their next adventure, then took J's bike to a friend from the Munich International Women's Club (she's buying the rest of our bikes to have as extras for when they have family visiting from the US), sold the desk and chair to the pastor of the Mennonitsche Gemeinde (for her son who is leaving for University), and finished uploading pictures to the blog.

I'm still making time for myself somehow. Walks. Coffee in the cafe. But the days feel packed and the time seems like it's just flying by. I want it to pause. I can't quite catch my breath sometimes. I don't want to go home. Not yet.

I'm not crying... but the sky was! My goodness did it rain. The river jumped the banks and the debris left behind was incredible.

Wednesday, May 22nd

Finally the rain has stopped. It's still gray but it's beginning to break up and let the sun through again. Thank goodness. I don't think I could handle unrelenting rain for the last week in Munich. I'm feeling dreary enough as it is! My morning walk/run was very wet and sodden. I used the car to take HR's cello back to the school and thanked her teacher. I also took the opportunity to find ME's teacher who had written such a glowing letter about her participation at the Klenze Gymnasium and thank him in person. After school I took HR to a friend's house where all her girlfriends from school were gathered for a farewell party. I can't believe we are leaving on Saturday.

In the evening we had the pleasure of a last visit from our friend TW who was in Munich on a business trip. We met him downtown and joined him for dinner at the Augustiner Stammhaus, a restaurant in the Altstadt near the Karlsplatz.

J got the Eisbein. Until next time...

Thursday, May 23rd

I cleaned. And packed. And cleaned some more. Fridge, window sills, oven, walls, floors... Took a coffee break with J at Tag & Träumer. I did the last loads of laundry and hung them out--the sun returned! HR went to a friend's house and GE played with E after school. They are milking the last free moments too.

Friday, May 24th

Last day of school. The Tumblinger Grundschule had their spring Schulfest--perfectly timed to say farewell to parents and GE's teacher, Frau H! I took a break from packing and cleaning to go to the school with J. GE's 4th grade class put on a couple of little skits for the parents. Afterwards I met our rental manager for a walk-through of the apartment. He said I'll get the final adjustment for any cleaning/repairs they have to make after we've left, but that it looked great and he expected we'd get most or all of our deposit reimbursed. Yay!

I'm amazed at the debris that the river left behind!

Mama's Küche where GE had her hot lunch every Monday through Thursday.

Saying good-bye! GE and her friend E.

Good-bye sweet little kitchen!

Saturday, May 25th

Travel day. Everything went smoothly. No issues. The luggage all arrived. We were met at Dulles by my dad and MK and slept in our own beds after we arrived home around 9 p.m.

Auf wiedersehen, München!

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