Wednesday, June 26, 2019

May 6-12

Monday, May 6th

The clouds are moving on. The morning air today was crisp but had that quality that you just want to inhale and hold on to. I did a big shopping run since I hadn't had much time for groceries with our visitors over the weekend. J's parents arrive tomorrow, so I cleaned a little and prepped some food for the week ahead. In the evening I went to my last Frauenchor rehearsal. The director, KW, paused after making some general announcements to express to me--in front of the whole group--how much it had meant to have me choose to sing with them this year. I was touched that my absence would be felt by so many of them--it's reciprocated! There were hugs and lots of "Can't you just stay in Munich? Why can't you just not go home?" Better left unanswered...

Sunrise over the Isar.

Blue skies again (out running errands)

Capturing the moment: the patient dog waiting outside the grocery store for her owner, bike loaded up with groceries for the next few days.

Cloudy sky over the Dreimühlenstraße

Blue skies over the playground by the bridge.

The bike path heading to the city center.
Tuesday, May 7th

J took the S-bahn out to the airport mid-morning to meet his parents who were arriving. Meanwhile I had a call from the Tumblinger Grundschule that GE wasn't feeling well and wanted to come home, so I rode my bike up to the school to pick her up. She went to bed and slept for several hours--maybe just run down? She was fine after that. After a simple supper with J's parents, we went over to the Theresienwiese to show the grandparents the Frühlingsfest. What a hoot! Grandpa was game for the fun ride.

Thank goodness for spring! Flower boxes in the windows of the Paulaner Bräuhaus on Kapuzinerplatz.

What should we do with the grandparents on the first day that they've arrived? Why go to the Frühlingsfest, of course! I think he's praying he keeps his dinner down, don't you?

Grandpa is stoic next to HR's screams of glee!


Wednesday, May 8th

My father-in-law (FIL) joined me for a long walk through the Isar in the early hours, then went back to their AirBnB to pick up my mother-in-law (MIL), walking with GE to the Grundschule along the way. While he was out, I showered and then popped over to the Ihle Bäckerei to get Semmeln for their breakfast. After breakfast J took them to the Altstadt for the usual sights (Frauenkirche, Marienplatz, Viktualienmarkt). Meanwhile I attended the last Munich International Women's Club monthly meeting and then went home for lunch. After lunch I met them downtown to go to my lesson with Stellario at the Staatsoper, but he had accidentally double booked me, so we went home and took naps instead! For dinner they took us and the girls to the Frauenhofer Gaststätte.

A bag for sale at a stall in the Viktualienmarkt... Bayerisch: "My little bag for pretzels, GMIAS??, white sausage (traditional München delicacy), beer, GLUMP?? BLEAME??, cheese and whatever else." If anyone knows what those mean, please let me know!
Spargel: this time with salmon and unpeeled baby potatoes at the Frauenhofer with J's parents.

Thursday, May 9th

This morning J and I took FIL and MIL on the U-bahn to the Universität stop and we left J at the Café Königin took work and went for a walk through the Englischer Garten. The weather is perfect again! After our walk we joined J at the café for a light lunch and some good coffee. From there we walked to Odeonsplatz and back to the Staatsoper for my coaching session (rebooked from yesterday). From there MIL and I took the bus home while J and his dad went to the Viktualienmarkt to talk about J's book progress. The rest of the day was quiet, spent with the girls as they returned home from school, and a simple supper of leftovers and good German Brot.

Early morning run--the rain has swollen the Isar river and left the paths mucky, but still passable.

Sunrise, pink skies

J has always said he thinks of Germany as the "green country." What say you?

Englischer Garten excursion. Glorious weather!

Fuzzy goslings!

Watching the surfers at the Eisbachwelle

Fairytale-like glimpses of a horse and her rider through the trees.

Ideas are hard work.

MIL's Käsekuchen at the Café Königin.


Media and paparazzi camped out waiting for Prince Charles and Camilla who were arriving for a German State visit. The shops on the Maximillianstraße are apparently closed to all other shoppers this afternoon for several hours! Meanwhile I had a coaching session with Stellario in the Staatsoper. J and his parents came to sit in on it.

Friday, May 10th

MIL and FIL took themselves via bus and tram to the Nymphenburger Schloss so J and I could work at home. I did a quick grocery run then J and I worked from the Leib & Siegel café around the corner. I arranged the sale of another of the bicycles--slowly getting rid of the things we've considered essential all year (feels weird) and then spent the rest of the day sorting and packing. Tedious but necessary. MIL and FIL will be taking two large suitcases back for us since they traveled with only carry-ons. After they came back to the apartment and napped a little, the girls came home from school and we all went to the Alte Utting for supper. After the kids went to bed MIL and FIL hung out to watch an episode of Tatort with me, sometimes pausing to help with translating (they both once studied German and lived in Marburg for a year of college)

Taking the grandparents to the Alte Utting for supper. 

Saturday, May 11th

After my morning run, MIL and FIL came to the apartment for breakfast with us and the girls. Then we all packed up and took the bus clear across town to the art museum, Alte Pinakothek. We went to the Sonderaustellung (special exhibit) on Caravaggio and the link between the Italian renaissance and Utrecht (Netherlands). Fascinating. Kids enjoyed it too! I'd been wanting to bring the girls to an art museum all year and finally felt the push to make it happen. After the Caravaggio exhibit I took them all on a "highlights" tour of the upper galleries: Ruben, Rembrandt, Dürer, and more. I think some of it sunk in?

In the evening I left early to ride the bus out to Perlach for the last concert with the Frauenchor. J, his parents, and the girls came later, in time for the concert. I had several solos and it all went quite well. I stayed after to go to the local Gasthof with the choir members and the rest of the family went home.

Early morning run... green bath!

In Virginia I have to dodge the giant earthworms after a rain... in Germany, it's the giant slugs! They are a real mess to step on!

Finally getting around to taking the whole fam to see the Old Masters at the Alte Pinakothek.
"The Denial of Saint Peter" by Gerard van Honthorst (1592-1656) - From the accompanying exhibit booklet: If you look closely, you can spont a man in the background who seizes the opportunity to secretly peek at another man's cards. Peter is not the only one here who isn't being entirely honest.

"The Fortune Teller" by Simon Vouet (1590-1649)

"The Debauched Student" by Gerard van Honthorst (1592-1656)

"Esau Selling his Birthright" c. 1627 by Hendrik ter Brugghen

Love these girls.

Sunday, May 12th

J and his dad went to the Muttertreff game day while MIL and I stayed home to clean the apartment. Starting to do some "deep" cleaning in preparation for our departure but there will be time later to do more of that. ME and her friend JA took the little girls bowling for a few hours, so we had time and space to work. The evening was quiet and at home.

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