Saturday, February 2, 2019

January 21-27

Monday, January 21st

Recovering... Travel is always so rewarding, but it can create challenges of its own. There was a fair bit of laundry to catch up on, no fresh groceries had been bought since last Wednesday, and I was short on sleep. So...

I did laundry, grocery shopping, and took a nap in the afternoon. As usual I had Frauenchor rehearsal in the evening. Wish I could have brought some of the warmth and sun with me from Florence! It's wintry here.

Tuesday, January 22nd

I've picked up a little freelance gig with MennoMedia, working on a copy editing project. I have a meeting tomorrow evening via Zoom with the project group and so I spent an hour reviewing the style guide and collecting questions for the supervisor. Also: I practiced. No lesson this week, but these arias are hard and having taken the weekend off in Italy, I have some work to do.

Our beloved dog, a Cocker-Golden mix, Jessie, died yesterday. She's been staying with my sister and MK in Harrisonburg. She just went to sleep on their living room floor and didn't wake up. We don't know why! She would have been 9 years old in February, so she wasn't that old. My sister called me Monday night--happened to be during the break at choir rehearsal, so I had my phone in hand and answered thinking it was something about MK. I walked in the Isar park this morning and cried seeing all the people out walking their dogs. I waited to tell the girls until they were all home from school in the late afternoon. We cried and reminisced. She was the sweetest dog!

MK with Jessie puppy, soon after we had gotten her.

She was always the gentlest soul, tolerating the antics of the cats and kittens in our house, keeping me company in the kitchen, sleeping next to my bed or just outside the girls' bedroom door. She was my running companion, a snuggler, and "sang" along with anyone else making music (i.e. howled along with us when we sang the table grace, practiced singing/piano/cello/trumpet/flute).

Happy: surveying her realm along the Chesapeake whenever we went to Fairport with J's family.

Wednesday, January 23rd

"Boring" day: errands, a walk along the river park, blog work, practice, evening meeting on Zoom...

I turned my laptop desk towards the big windows to take in what little light was offered from the gray skies. Amazing what natural light does for my mood.

Thursday, January 24th

I met a group of expats for a walk in the Englischer Garten. My usual Wednesday walking group is taking a break since the organizer just started a new job. Luckily, the Munich International Women's Club also has a walking group which meets on Thursday mornings--they even go to coffee at the same favorite spot: Café Königin. The sun decided to make an appearance, although it was still quite cold! I went home for lunch, then practiced and did some work on the copy editing project before making dinner and heading out again for Himmelfahrtskirchen Chor rehearsal in the evening.

Theatine Kirche on Odeonsplatz across from the meeting location for the walk.

Park Hofgarten behind the Residenz

The pond is frozen... Dramatic skies with blue sky and sun trying to get through.

Infusion instead of coffee... fresh ginger and mint leaves! It was perfect for after the cold walk.

Friday, January 25th

I made a big store run via bus through falling snow <insert eye roll>. I took bus 62 to Poccistraße and then walked over to the big Aldi and Edeka shopping strip. I hit up Aldi first for most of the stuff on my list and then wrapped up at Edeka. My rolling cart was stuffed and I had two more bags to carry--kept one with very light things to carry with my right arm (recovering from dislocation) and set the other on top of the rolling cart and tied the straps to the handle. While I waited for the bus to take me back to our neighborhood, an old gent struck up a conversation with me. His Bayerische accent was thick so I had to work to follow. Even managed to talk a little politics (what does a traveling American from Virginia think of current US politics... oi!)

The afternoon was quiet and spent at home: editing work, practicing, staying warm. It's still snowing...

Saturday, January 26th

Way back in September I went to a Saturday morning gathering that I had learned about through the Internations or MeetUp social networks (can't remember which). The Happiness Club meets once a month on a Saturday morning, and I missed the ones in October and November because were traveling or otherwise occupied. It finally worked for me to go again this month to the morning meeting at the Katzentempel Café. JL, the organizer, always chooses a conversation theme based on research on the things that create or bring people happiness. This month's theme: goals/goal setting. The group varies from month to month, but always is a mix of expat women and a couple of Germans who are from other parts of Germany. We're different ages and have different careers or family situations. So the sharing from everyone comes from such a wide range of experiences and influences--super interesting! My goal for 2019 (at least, one of them): anticipate reverse culture shock and begin planning ways to find a better work-life balance after we are back in Virginia. Treasures here: daily fresh air, less driving, more sleep, more reading for pleasure, less stuff and clutter.

I made a quick pit stop on the way home from the meeting for some groceries, ate lunch at home, and then took the opportunity for a walk along the river with ME. It's above freezing--literally feels balmy compared to the temps we had during the week! A light morning rain washed a lot of the snow and ice off the paths, but left huge puddles in the packed gravel.

Muddy shoes and splatter! Well worth it though, to be out in some fresh air that is finally above freezing!

Sunday, January 27th

I went for early run (yes, a run!!! short and sweet and easy-going, yay!) through the Isarvorstadt to Gärtnerplatz and then over to the Isar and back south on the riverside path.

Around 8:15, I took GE with me to the Himmelfahrtskirche. The choir was singing for the Neujahrsemphang (welcoming of the new year) service. GE sat on a pew off to the side while I sat up front with the choir. She colored and read her book (Warrior Cats, auf Deutsch). The sun came out a little on the way there, but by the time we left, it was cloudy again. Still, thankful for warmer temps and no rain/snow.

Bakery treat (croissant) on the way to church.

Blue sky over the streets of Sendling

I love how München buildings have different colored stucco facades.


In the afternoon I worked on the blog, prepped some food for the days ahead, and folded laundry. ME's friend came over and brought his Nintendo Switch so the kids played together on the big TV. Quiet and relaxing. Ready for another week!


  1. We had some of the ginger infused tea during our walking tour of Prague in December. It was delicious!

  2. Entertaining as always, Christine. D is still working his way through your Florence pix. I haven't started those! I am amazed that you have picked up a little 'side gig' considering everything else you do. No wonder you run! Love from a very cold Rockbridge County!
