Friday, January 4, 2019

December 17-21

Monday, December 17

[I'm working on this post three weeks late... Finding it hard to write since I dislocated my shoulder while skiing in Switzerland over the week of Christmas (more on that in another post). So apologies if this is short and sweet!]

I went on my morning walk/run. It's cold and snowy, but the sun is trying to break through! Later in the morning I picked up groceries. I baked cookies for kids to give to teachers. ME's friend came over and played games in the evening.

The clouds are breaking up and the sun is trying to get through. Still beautiful!

Tuesday, December 18

Another walk/run, longer, gorgeous light, more baking. In the evening we all took the bus and U-Bahn to HR's cello studio winter recital.

Blue sky in the morning light!

I bought toe-warmers on so I have no excuses for getting out and moving. I don't mind the cold, but I hate having cold toes!

The flowers I got at the choir concert opened up this morning.

Getting set.

Wednesday, December 19

I met my walking group in the Englischer Garten for our weekly hike followed by coffee at the Königin Café. After I got home, I baked the last batches of Christmas cookies. ME's friend came over and they went to the little Weihnachtsmarkt on Harras Platz near the Gymnasium while GE, HR and I took the U-bahn to Münchner Freiheit and the Schwabing Weihnachtsfest. Twinkle lights and fun!

Winter light on the München Universität buildings near the Englischer Garten (about 8 a.m.)

Grey light in the Englischer Garten.

Schwabing Weihnachts Fest!

Live music! Lots of Rock'n'roll classic covers. The kids loved it--so many years of playing Xbox "Rock Band"!

This Markt had lots of boutique artists and their handmade wares. Pretty (but expensive!).

Thursday, December 20

Parents were invited to the Tumblinger Grundschule this morning for a Weihnachtsfeier. I took Lebkuchen from the Nürnberger Christkindlmarkt, Stollen from the Lübecker Niederegger Marzipan shop, and a homemade grape-cheese toothpick snack. In the afternoon J returned to Munich from his fellowship in Florence, Italy and a little later in the evening our oldest daughter, MK, arrived from USA. So glad to have them both here!

My own little Christmas elf!

Waiting for the song to start.

More sun and light! Soaking it in as much as possible.

Walk along the Isar river park.

All together again! Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21

The girls went to their last day of school before the Christmas break while J and I took MK into town. We went winter boot shopping and then J gave MK the grand tour of the Weihnachtsmarkten. I went home for a quick lunch and then took the S-Bahn out to the airport to pick up the rental car. GE went to her first official piano lesson after she got back from school and once we were all home, we went downtown again to have supper out at Zum Dürnbräu near the Marienplatz. After supper we finished packing and loading up for Switzerland...

German Frühstuck for MK

Coffee at the Viktualienmarkt café

Daddy and MK exploring the Weihnachtsmarkts


Roast with Knödel!

ME got the traditional Bayerische Leberkäs mit Bretzel und Senf.

J got the Haus Wurst platter... OMG yum!

Kids had the Wienerschnitzel mit Pommes.

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