Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 8-14

Monday April 8

ME left this morning on her Klassenfahrt with the whole 4th grade from the Bodelschwingheschule! She was so excited she left the house 10 minutes earlier than when she would normally go for school (to start at 8 a.m.) and she didn't need to be there until 9! In the process, unfortunately, she lost the envelope that contained our medical insurance information and the only copy I have along of her immunizations! When she got to the school and realized how early she was (no one was there! And she'd even left without waiting for HR!), she turned around to go home and saw that the envelope that had been strapped to her suitcase under the bungee cord on top, was missing. She knew it was important and feared she wouldn't be allowed to go on the trip without it, so came home breathless and crying, having retraced her steps and looked "everywhere" for it! I went back out with her to look again--this time with HR in tow--while J stayed home with GE. We didn't find it on our second pass, so came home and I wrote out the insurance info a second time while J took a spin around the neighborhood to look again. Then ME went back to school and at my suggestion, she and J went to the secretary's office to see if anyone had found it and turned it in (her name and class were printed on the front, so it would be hard to misunderstand where the envelope belongs!). No luck, but in the process, J was able to find out that we could just make a written statement that her immunizations were up to date and that ME would be allowed to go on her trip. So, satisfied they came home to get her bags again. In the meantime I took GE to Kindergarten and then hurried back to accompany ME to school again to meet the bus. Lots of parents and kids milling about waiting for the tour bus to arrive. Suddenly, her teacher came up to us laughing, saying that someone had just found this on the edge of the Schulhof and held up the missing envelope! Then a mad dash to get luggage loaded and find seats (it was a double-decker with tables and chairs on the first level! ME found a seat with her best buddy, Y, and then they were off. No tears or fears with that girl. Four days ahead of her completely immersed in German!!!

And in case you're interested, here's where they're going: Evangelische Landjugendakademie Altenkirche Westerwald

With her best friend, Y.

Goofing off waiting for the bus (she stole J's hat!).

Waving as they drive off (she's in the dark triangle closest to the window join)!

After seeing her off, I went with my friend SL, to the Maus Bäckerei for some Kaffee und quatschen. Then I did my usual grocery shopping runs before going home to work on getting caught up on housework...

The other girls had normal, good days. MK came home cheerful because she had understood the Physik lesson today! She seems to have turned a corner and is filling us in about T.V. shows, radio chatter, and online games that are in German but that she is suddenly realizing she gets the content without having to think about it. Yeah! Wish we had another year here to solidify this, but it's not in the cards...

Tuesday April 9

A typical day except that MK woke up sick to her stomach and spent the day in bed. It's quiet without ME! When GE came home from Kindergarten she was so tired, she wanted to lie down with me to snuggle and promptly fell asleep. Guess getting back into that routine has worn her out.

Wednesday April 10

This morning I had an Elternsprechestunde with one of GE's Kindergarten teachers. She showed me a few of the pages they've put together about GE in a huge binder. For each Kindergartener, they keep a record of their personal progress, collect stories and pictures from special events and their everyday activities. We'll get to take this with us when we go in June! She had heard about our leaving from the Kindergarten director (I had to turn in a written Abmeldung before we left for our trip) and is very sorry to hear that GE won't be here after mid-June. She had glowing things to say about GE and no worries about her development. She has integrated wonderfully into the classroom, made lots of friends (apparently quite the leader of the younger set: giving instructions for make-believe play, directing, etc.), learned German really quickly (yeah!), and generally a pleasure to have in their group. Yeah! We are so pleased that she got to have this experience and although she might not remember much of it as she gets older, I think it will leave its impression on her anyway.

After the meeting I hurried to get some groceries, took them home and then went to our other neighbor S's (the French couple who moved into the house on the other side of our building just before Christmas) for tea. My Scottish neighbor, RP, and my American friend LC were also there. Lovely time of visiting and getting to know S. She has a daughter GE's age and a little boy 1.5 years old (same age as my Scottish neighbor's kids).

In the evening I went to running group--our last training run before the 1/2 marathon on Sunday! We did some stretching and then a 4 km run. We'll meet on Sunday a.m. at the U-bahn stop to go in together and go to the starting point.

Thursday April 11

MK called home early to say she'd gotten a 1- (an A) on her math test! She was one of 4 to get an A on the test. We're so proud of her (especially me because I *never* got a 1 on a math test in Germany!).

Met the 4th graders returning from their Klassenfahrt at 11 a.m. ME was in good spirits, chattering all the way home and showing me things she'd made (friendship bracelets) and telling me tales of what they had done. At home she showed me the video she'd made of the place they'd gone to. She had a wonderful time although I think she's pretty tired! Early to bed tonight... She only took a few photos she was so busy!:

Friend Y

They had a huge art room set up for painting on easels. The theme was "Where you are at peace". Can you pick out ME's?

This was an extra one that her friend Y painted. It is NOT part of the first theme. :)

ME's friend C.

After lunch I baked the cake for HR's birthday party tomorrow. She's very excited. I made my mom's chocolate applesauce cake recipe but had to substitute Schokoraspeln (sort of a shaved/shredded chocolate topping) for the chocolate chips. Turned out great though, so I think everyone will be happy!

J and I went to choir again in the evening. I'm going to sing again in church in May, so took along some music so that the organist and I can choose something appropriate. I need to start scheduling in some regular practicing again!!!

Friday April 12

Spent most of the day preparing for HR's party in between the usual routine stuff: grocery shopping for the last little touches and food items needed after dropping GE off at Kindergarten. Then squeezed in a quick run after I took the stuff home--the sun was shining, it's warm, the birds are singing: I couldn't resist! Spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon prepping some food for the party, making a big batch of lentil salad for me and J, feeding the girls lunch, then gathering the supplies together. We filled the rolling grocery carrier, borrowed the neighbor's stroller and filled that with stuff too! At 2 p.m. J went to pick up GE. Shortly after that HR's best friend E got dropped off at our place and then suddenly it was time to go... Walked to the U-bahn with all our stuff, rode the 20 minutes to Buschdorf and then walked 5 minutes to Piratenland. HR invited 5 of her friends from school. They were all able to come! MK decided to skip dance so she could come too, so there were 9 girls running around. We arrived about 15 minutes before the others so I quickly decked out the table with the goodies, put the candles on the cake, and then folks started arriving! I could hardly keep them at the table long enough to do the cake and offer some food--they just wanted to get out there and PLAY! HR opened her presents even as some of the girls took off. Oh well! They all had a good time anyway. Got home just before 8 p.m., washed hands and faces, brushed teeth, pottied, and chucked them into bed! Whew.
With her "big" present from us: an ultimate "Fort Kit" that my sister's college room-mate made. It comes with multiple sheets that have loops at the corners for stringing rope through, big clips, velcro fasteners, clothespins, and so on. Very cool!

Classmates and friends from left to right: E, HR, F, T and the face in the front corner is A.

Blowing out the candles (you can now see her other friend S--with the glasses).


HR (in the air), E and A on one of the trampolines.

Saturday April 13

Slept in late. Everyone seems to be needing to catch up! Around 10:30 I headed into Bonn to pick up my bag, start number, timer chip, and t-shirt for the Post Marathon tomorrow. Then I shopped a little (having told J that I was going to take my time and have some "me time"). The weather is stunning--sunny, low 60's. GE has gotten too tall for her Matschhosen at Kindergarten so has been coming home with wet, dirty shins (when she kneels her pants go up to her knees exposing her shins even with her Gummistiefel on). C&A had a sale going on and I'd heard they had the spring Matschhosen that are just the waterproof layer without the fleece lining, so not as hot. I bought the next 2 sizes so we can take some home too!  Then I shopped leisurely for myself (a rarity!) buying some scarves and a new spring trench coat (a completely frivolous, unnecessary purchase). I ate lunch by myself at the Cassius Garten (vegetarian buffet) while reading on my Kindle ("The Fuller Memorandum" by Charles Strauss), then walked through the sunshine to the U-bahn and headed home.

Around 4, we met our French neighbors for a walk down to the Klufterplatz for some Eis and Espressos. The little girls rode their bikes and the big girls on the scooters. The grown ups sat around drinking espresso and getting to know each other (this was the first time J had met the husband G) while the kids played/rode bikes around the Platz. When the big girls got bored they headed home on their own. Enjoyed getting to know them a little better, but J was frustrated that his French has taken such a beating by learning German!

Sunday April 14

Up at 6 to eat some oatmeal with fresh fruit and cup of tea, then just worked on getting my head in the "game" for the day: 21 km in the Post Halbmarathon!  At 7:25 I met my Laufengruppe friend and neighbor, SBR, to bike down to the U-bahn. We took that into Bonn and met other members from our Laufengruppe, took off our outer layers and turned in our bags, found our trainer HW, used the bathrooms, and got in line. We were in a group that took off about 30 minutes after the official start, so we jumped up and down and kept  ourselves from getting too chilled while we waited. Thankfully the weather was actually quite perfect: not too cold (mid-50's), overcast, but not raining and no wind. At about 9:20 our group got to cross the start line and we were off!

The route starting on the Marktplatz in Bonn, then crossing the Kennedy Brücke to Beuel, then back to Bonn, along the Rhein river and then back to the center.

Waiting for me to show up. MK manned the camera this time. J took some with his phone too.

Handing off my neck scarf to MK as I run by (I was too warm with it at that point). To my left are three of my running group friends (in the pink sleeveless, the short sleeve pink and the blue shirts).

Patting GE on the head as I went by--she was looking in the wrong direction!

The girls had quite the system: Maggie would get the cups from the tables and then the three of them would hold them out for the runners!

Another shot of me coming in with my running group. J was stationed just after the 15 km marker along the Rheinaue. The route came south along the park, then at about 14.5 km we turned around and came back along the other side of the road, so the girls saw me go by twice!

Who wouldn't want a drink from this little beauty?!
I ran it in 2:12:14. My first half marathon! I felt pretty good. My knee also held up and I had a good bit left for the last km, surprising even myself with how much faster I could run at the end. The only thing hurting at that point were my feet--running on pavement sucks! My running group friends regrouped at the food court after we picked our bags up. Everyone had an Endinger and some food (bread with Wurst, banana, granola bar, Apfelschorle). Then we headed to the main tent on the Munsterplatz to check our times and get our medals engraved. The times weren't up yet, so some of them went home, but I wanted my souvenir! I stood in the line for 20 minutes or so and then the times were up and I only waited a little longer for my turn at the engraver: "Christine Fairfield 2.12.14" on the back of the medal.

Ate a salad at home, showered, then climbed into bed for a much deserved rest (book and then nap)! A fantastic day all around.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your completing the half marathon!
    Dennis & Virginia
