Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 11-17

Tuesday December 11

GE is 4! Hard to believe we welcomed her into our family in the wee hours of the morning 4 years ago. She's such a precocious, self-aware little person. And to celebrate, she slept in her underwear and stayed dry (without even an extra trip to the potty in the middle of the night!) Woohoo! Might not ever have to buy Pull-ups again. Now there's something to celebrate.

It's COLD again (-5 Celcius) and snowing on and off. Supposed to continue that for the next several days. I don't ever hear the weather forecasters predicting an accumulation, but it does make for messy streets. Rode my bike to the Kindergarten this morning very carefully. It's one thing to slide around in a car on the slushy/icy street and an entirely different situation with a bicycle--especially one laden with precious 4-yr-old cargo!

After dropping GE off, I rode to my friend SL's to join her for another long run through the Rheinaue. Snow blew around us from time to time and we had to dodge icy spots on the sidewalks, but we stayed warm running and talking--only my left foot toes got very cold because I didn't manage to miss a slushy puddle and my shoe got wet.

MK is home sick today. I felt a little yucky yesterday--thick, scratchy throat--and today it appears it's caught up with MK. She's cuddled into bed with her new book (birthday present from our neighbor) and a cup of warm tea on her bedside table. My nose is a little extra runny but my throat is much better today. Rehearsal tonight for the CityProjekt Chor so I hope I'm up to par!

My friend MSD lent us a boombox and a gigantic box of cassette tapes with stories and music in German for the kids. However, their German isn't quite good enough to understand them well enough to be drawn in and held by the stories, so the I've quietly commandeered the boombox for the kitchen where I have WDR 3 on in the background pretty much all day. I'm reminded of my mother-in-law's house where NPR or some classical music station is playing around the clock. I've been baking so much and having the radio playing makes it all feel so "at home"! Love WDR 3--they play a great mix of orchestral, chamber, vocal, and solo music without too much talking. There are occasional news and weather updates and personal interest stories or short explanations about a composer or musician, but mostly, just music. Makes me miss my Christmas CD's though... Now is when I'd have my Cambridge Singer's Christmas playing non-stop while I bake cranberry bread and sweet rolls!  Speaking of which, I'm going to make some attempt at both next week "borrowing" my neighbor's kitchen after she's left for England. Can't have family visiting (my cousin MM has confirmed that she is coming down from Hamburg to stay with us for the 23-26) and not have some family recipes!  I'm working on what to make for our Christmas meals. I think I'm going with Raclette (thanks to MSD who has also lent us her extra Raclette machine!) for Christmas Eve and for a pretty traditional spread for Christmas Day: roasted chicken (they don't have huge turkeys here!), mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, cranberry sauce (there are fresh cranberries at the Leyenhof Biohof!), applesauce, and bread. Not sure what I'm going to do about pie... Might have to suffice it to have lemon poppy seed tea bread, cranberry nut bread, and sweet rolls. Oh, and of course, I'll have to make a batch of gingerbread with the girls... Too much to do, not enough time!

Wednesday December 12

MK is 12 today! On 12.12.12, in case you didn't notice that right way. And she's home sick again. Bleh. I have a horrible cold too. I think I will be skipping my Laufen Training group tonight. I have to blow my nose so much I doubt I'd get very much exercising done. Besides my glands are swollen behind my ears and my sinuses feel like they're grown too large for my face. Ugh.

Copied from my Facebook status (feeling too lazy to re-write it here):

Just heard my 4 year old (GE) trying to speak in German to our landlord who was replacing the broke toilet seat. When she got stuck because she didn't know the German words that she needed, she said "Ach, ich kann nicht!" (Oh, I can't do it!). Oh, but she can!!!! So cool. First time I've heard her switch into German when she knew she was speaking to a German rather than just plowing ahead in English. She's also been singing "Vier Jahre, vier Jahre" over and over: "4 years, 4 years". I guess they must have been telling her that lots in Kindergarten yesterday!

While our landlord was here, I spoke to him about the stove top too. One of the heating elements has been finicky: sometimes heating up, sometimes just staying lukewarm. Of course, it's not suppose do that, but he wasn't sure how simple it would be to repair/replace it since the type we have is completely built in (and ours is quite outdated, so it might not even be manufactured anymore). He said he has another oven-stove combo stored in the attic but he wasn't sure if they'd be able to build it in to the current kitchen. He's scheduling an installer to come and take a look at the oven and our kitchen and see what can be done. What will I do with a real oven?! Small chance I'll have it in time for Christmas though...

Thursday December 13

Still sick. MK and I both laid low as much as possible. I took GE to Kindergarten and got a few groceries and then went home. I didn't go to choir in the evening and we just had a quiet time of it.

Friday December 14

Starting to feel better although still sort of "wiped out". MK was up early as usual, so she went back to school.

In the afternoon we all loaded onto our bikes to ride to MK's school for a Christmas party with her class. Nice affair although far too many sweet baked goods! The little girls were bouncing off the walls. The class homeroom teacher read out the names of each of the classmates and then read from a "Golden Book" what the other classmates had written about them using the letters of their first name. MK was: Musikalisch, Aufmerksam, Ruhig, Young (musical, attentive, calm, young).

Saturday December 15

We hustled everyone out a little after 9 a.m. to go to the Servatiuskirche to choose a Christmas tree! J carried it back on his shoulder. MK and I went to the grocery store for a few things. We set the tree up and hung our few ornaments up... Really starting to feel like Christmas! The girls love it. :)

 We ate an early lunch and then took the train to Köln to meet my friend VM and her husband CN. They took us to a quaint smaller Weihnachtsmarkt on the south side of town, then we took the U-bahn to the Altstadt and went ice skating. The big girls quickly got the hang of it (after some rather spectacular wipeouts!). VM helped HR and I held onto GE. The little ones were starting to sort of get their balance about the time the grownups had had enough! Maybe we'll try it again in Bonn. By then everyone needed some food and we needed to make our way back to the Bahnhof. We took a route that led through the famous markt on the plaza in front of the famous Dom. The throngs of people were pretty amazing. We could hardly push our way through! CN carried GE on his shoulders through the crowd and I held HR's hand with her tucked in behind me so I could "plow" a path through the people. I understand now why my friend doesn't care to go with her little guys in a stroller! She'd never make it through.

Köln Dom towers peaking over the roof line.

ME in the center. She got so warm she took her coat off!

VM with HR

Everyone was tired when we got home. ME still had plans to go to her friend Y's house for a sleepover, so I accompanied her on bike (it was dark). Her parents invited me in for some tea and so I spent another hour talking with them in a mix of English and German (they're Russian). Learned some interesting things about Russian culture and Siberia!

Sunday December 16

I sang some solos for the Advents service at the Pauluskirche: a Mendelssohn aria for the prelude and "He shall feed his flocks" variation for soprano (not alto-soprano as is usually done) from Handel's Messiah. It was well received and thankfully my cold never reached my voice, so although I had a lot of sinus stuff going on, no one else was the wiser!

Around 3 our babysitter arrived to stay with HR and GE while the two older girls went with J and me to see Der Hobbit in 3D and in German! When we arrived MK's friend, C, was just coming in with her mom to see it too. They had tickets in the same row (German's sell reserved seating at the movie theater!) but a few places away, so C and I traded seats so that MK could sit with her. There were 35 minutes of previews and ads and then it finally got going! J had just finished reading The Hobbit to them in English a couple of weeks ago, so the story was still fresh in their minds. They were both able to follow along without too much trouble.

Monday December 17

A typical Monday. Everyone off to school, then meeting SL for coffee/tea, this time at her home. We talked for nearly 2 hours, then I had to hurry off to get some groceries before heading home to meet HR. No dance or tutoring for the girls until after the holidays, so everyone was home for the afternoon. I baked a batch of cookies (a dairy-free German chocolate version of Peanut Butter Blossoms) and the girls played.

Tuesday December 18

Felt queasy yesterday evening and during the night--discovered this morning that my black beans were bad and realized I probably had some mild food poisoning. Bleh. Went straight from dropping GE off at Kindergarten into Bonn for a few last-minute Christmas items. Then hurried home to meet HR after school.  Baked a batch of lemon poppy seed bread and a batch each of chocolate cookies and oatmeal almond butter cookies. I've finally figured out what settings to use on my mini oven to get the right outcome! No failed recipes this time. Yeah!  I'm taking one loaf of poppy seed bread to the choir "Gemütligkeit" on Thursday evening, giving another as a gift, and saving the 3rd for us.

1 comment:

  1. Sitting here having wine and pistachios enjoying your Christmas tales. Merry Christmas to you all!
