Monday, July 16, 2012

Today is launch day! By tomorrow evening I'll be functioning in German. The kids are antsy to leave. I'm torn between wanting to stay and wanting to get the travel part over with.
Our flight leaves Dulles at 10:22. I hope we can keep the kids from falling apart while we wait... past their bedtime. Then the goal will be to get them to sleep as quickly as possible so we can all get some sleep. Joshua's mother will be traveling with me. His dad is on another flight and he'll meet us in Düsseldorf. Joshua comes later this week. Say a prayer for us as we travel (one layover in London Heathrow) and get settled into our apartment. 


  1. Exciting news! I wonder how soon you'll start dreaming in German!

  2. Hooray! You started a blog! I'm so glad to be able to follow along as you embrace the adventures that are coming your way. :)

    I'll be praying that the next few days of traveling and initial adjustment go well for all of you!

  3. Hope you all arrive in the same place, safe and sound.

  4. Can't wait to hear how things are going!! We missed you guys at the reunion. Give everyone my love. -- Sis Rachel
